Christmas Fun, 2010

We got so much snow in Provo that we didn't have to go to work!!  Instead we built a nativity with our good friends!  So awesome!  Joseph, Mary, Jesus, Wise Man (wearing a BYU cape), camel, sheep, and shepherd.   People were stopping all day to take pictures of it.  We inspired people to remember the reason for the season :)

Thanksgiving in Indiana :)

We had a Taylor Thanksgiving in Indiana :)  The 24 hour drive was TOTALLY worth it to spend time with our wonderful family!  We hung out in the farmhouse we rented and played games, sang, watched movies, ate delicious food, and played with the nephews.  We love our family!!!

The St. George Half-Marathon!!!  November 6, 2010

Yes, we did it!  We ran a half-marathon!  That's 13.1 miles, in case you didn't know.  Some couples in our ward invited us to do it with them, and so we did.  We trained for 8 weeks, running 3 times a week, and were hoping to be ready by race time.  We felt pretty prepared, although when we went out to eat at In-N-Out the night before we were starting to doubt our running abilities :) The race was in St. George.  It was a beautiful day and we got to run down Snow Canyon.  A great race (although a little rough on the knees due to the downhill)!  And we kept running the whole time.  The only times we stopped were when we were getting a quick drink.  

At the beginning of the summer we set a goal to be able to run 3 miles without a problem...I think we exceeded our goal!  Yay :) 

Halloween 2010

We carved pumpkins with our great friends, the Picketts.  We love them :) For Kindergarten I was a referee and at work Jon was a beach bum.  For our ward party we were PIGS IN A BLANKET!  So fun!  It was Jon's idea, of course.  He's the best!  :)  And the card houses?  That's just something random and fun we did.  Jon is a master card-house builder!

Fall 2010 

Well, what does Fall 2010 bring?  First off, it brings football games!  Hooray!  It also brings jacket weather (Jon's favorite), playing in the leaves (always fun), for the both of us.  I am in my last year at BYU and instead of attending classes, I have a class of my own.  Kindergarten!  I will have 2 classes (morning and afternoon) of rambunctious little ones.  Jon is working for the church in their IT department.  He did an internship with them this summer and decided to continue work with them.  It's a great opportunity.  He's such a smartie!

The last picture is Jon baking the world's most delicious (and best presented) rolls.  They were SO YUMMY!  Warm rolls on a cool fall day...mmmm!

Oregon and California...coolest road trip ever!  August 2010

We drove about 13 hours up to Oregon to go to Brett and Alli's wedding :)  It was a fun drive and we are glad we took it because we LOVED the wedding and meeting Alli's family.  Oregon is beautiful and the wedding day was perfect.  We then took a little family vacation (our first camping trip together) to Northern California.  We visited the old Redwoods...what NEAT trees!  They are so huge!  We loved cooking tin foil dinners and roughing it.  We also visited  the Battery Point lighthouse...and found a starfish friend which we named Melville.  We hiked a bunch and saw all phases of Redwood trees.  It was absolutely beautiful there in the Redwood forest.  The trees make you feel so tiny because they are so large.  What a worthwhile, wonderful vacation!!

World's Largest Water Balloon Fight, July 2010!

Yes, it's true.  We participated in the World's Largest Balloon Fight sponsored by BYU.  So fun!  We were on the orange team :)  Later on in the day, we donated blood.  What color do we bleed?...totally BLUE!    

St. George Vacation, July 2010

We had a wonderful weekend in St. George!  We were only there a couple of days but during that time we had some major highlights :)  Here are some pictures from some hiking we did on the red, red rock.  It was boiling hot (about 105-110 degrees) but so fun!  We also spent some time on the WaveRunner which was AWESOME!  Jon loved doing turns, maneuvering cool tricks (especially if we got splashed in the process), and jumping in the water while I loved speed and hitting the wake of other boats.  Fun!  We got to go to the beautiful St. George temple while we were down there too!  Other than that we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves very much :)  

Intramural Frisbee MVP, June-July 2010

Maybe you didn't know this, but Jon is SUPER good at frisbee.  During his first year of college, in Tennessee, he played on the club team.  He has truly mastered this sport.  You should see his high jumps, his quick feet, his flicks, his hammers, his passes, his SKILL.  He's so good!  I would consider him the MVP of the team (and no, I'm not biased).  He is always a high scorer of the game whether his is actually catching the disc in the end-zone or passing it to someone else to score.  He can throw the frisbee all the way down the problem.  ZERO POWER SHOCK is their intramural team name.  The team mostly consists of past roommates, mission buddies, and other random people team members have met while playing frisbee at Kiwanis.  It's fun to watch because he is so GOOD!   

Tie-dye...hooray!, July 7, 2010

Jon and I have NEVER done tie-dye before.  Can you believe that?!  But we were invited to a Tie-Dye PARTY and so, naturally, we went :)  We each brought a shirt and were taught the art of dying by the master of tie-dye, Nicole Allen.  We had so much fun, and now we have shirts to show for it!  Yay!

Tricycle Racing, June 30, 2010

So you thought tricycles were for little kids, right?  Well, not at BYU!  There was an on-campus activity open to all students...a tricycle race.  BYUSA had 2 big tricycles and 2 courses set up on Brigham Square.  We raced once each and then they put us in brackets according to our time.  Jon was SO fast...he was the 2nd fastest that first time around!  Boy is he good!  Anyway, we raced a bunch of times.  My brother Ryan ended up getting 3rd place overall.  Cool :)  There was this random girl there taking pictures and then getting peoples information.  She was from the Deseret News.  Well, a couple of days after this event, I got a couple of phone calls from family members telling me they saw me in the newspaper.  Cool!  And Jon's in the background too, in the tan shorts :)  After tricycling we went to J-Dawgs for dinner.  Awesome.

This was the caption under the picture: Senior Andrea Taylor, 21, comes to the end of the course during a tricycle race at Brigham's Square on the campus of Brigham Young University on Wednesday. (Sarah A. Miller, Deseret news)

Well, now we're married and life is great!  We've had fun fixing up our cute, little apartment and making it a home.  We live in a very old house that has been split up randomly into 4 apartments.  We absolutely love it.  Green carpets, a carpeted bathroom, about 1 square foot of counter space in the kitchen, and tons of character.  Perfect for us...we love it!!!  

We enjoyed studying together when we were both in school and guess what...miracle...we both got straight A's during our first semester married (clap, clap, clap).  Thank you, thank you!  

Here are some pics from holidays we've celebrated...Pi day (homemade apple pie!  Yum!), Jon's 25th birthday (we made the train cake together), Cinco de Mayo (yes, that is a mariachi band that was outside of our home, and yes, that is a homemade pinata), my 21st birthday (cake decorated by my wonderful Jonny, so creative!)
Wedding Day!!!!
The best day EVER!!!!   We got married in the Salt Lake Temple on December 18, 2009...and now we get to be together FOREVER!  It was cold outside, but luckily it wasn't snowing or anything.  We brought hand warmers to keep in Jon's pockets and I kept one in my hand around the bouquet.  Married at 10:20, luncheon at 1:00, reception at 6:30, then honeymoon!  By the way, marriage was the best Christmas present EVER! 
Engagement Photos
Taking engagement pictures was SO much fun.  It was beautiful autumn weather and the location was great.  Our photographer, Dave, did a great job and we really enjoyed being models for a night.  We loved getting to hug, hold hands, lean on each other, and kiss on command.  Yep, really fun!
The day of proposal...I of course said YES!
Jon proposed on August 8.  He knelt on one knee underneath the tree where  we first talked and presented me a beautiful ring that he sneakily put into an Altoids box.  Yes, he's very creative.  Then he took me to a romantic getaway in a beautiful backyard...the backyard where we had our first date.  We had a wonderful Olive Garden lunch with an excellent waiter (named Brett Stephen) who served us AND serenaded us throughout our lunch with beautiful classical guitar melodies (oh, an he was our photographer/paparazzi).  After lunch we sat on a swing and chatted for quite a while.  Then we took a tandem bike ride around Provo ending at Kiwanis Park, where we called our families to tell them the wonderful news.  It was a PERFECT day! 
Some pics from our dating days :)
We had a lot of fun with creative dates during the dating days, as you can see!  A few of these are from when we were engaged already...that made the dates even MORE fun!